Heard about Dango ? No ! Okey, then I'll tell you !
Dango is sticky Japanese Dumpling which is usually served on a skewer. These are smalls balls made of rice flour and served with green tea. As a big favorite in Japan Dangos have a lot of different tastes like:
- Anko: normally known as red bean paste. This one is the most popular one in Japan
- Chadango: Green tea taste
- Bocchan: This has three colours. One coloured by red beans, the second by eggs and the third by green tea
- Chichi: Quite sweet, usually eaten as a dessert
- Hanami: This one has three colours too. The Hanami dango is usually served during the Hanami season(Between January and mid-May)
- Goma: This one has two different types: Sweet and salty
- Kinako: A toasted soya flour
- Kushi: Plain
- Mitarashi: This one is covered with syrup made from soya sauce, sugar and starch.
- Teppanyaki: Obvious: Dango with tangy teppanyeki taste.
5/63 days completed of My Biggest Challenge,Ever!
-Linh <3
You are better at expraining about Japan than me!